Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Group vs Team

Hello all, I mentioned about there being a difference in a previous blog Run it like a business, and I said I would talk about that later and now is that time.

Some teams call themselves groups and some groups call themselves teams, now what I define as groups or teams is this.

Paranormal Groups - a bunch of enthusiasts, investigate mostly public places or pay to play investigation experience. It doesn't mater what kind of equipment they use (The latest and best or the crappiest); these groups may not have the skill set for a private home or Business investigation.

Paranormal Teams - A bunch of enthusiasts that investigate the paranormal in homes or places of business or properties that are privately owned and requested an investigation.

Each of these Groups or Teams may do a little of each.  Hey its fun I like pay to play and public haunts as much as the next para enthusiasts.  

What you need to do to look for a good fit for you, either as an investigator or a client is look at their previous experience.

With some websites you can look on their pages and read about what they do and where they do it.
And some you have to contact and ask a lot of questions.

I get asked a lot of question from clients to make sure we won't do anything to talk about the investigation to anyone or to make sure we do piss the spirits off then go home for the night to have the client be abused by the angry entity. And I'm a glad client does that.  It’s also a good way to see what the client expects.  Sometimes they expect to do the investigation with us.  We normally don't do tagalongs but every investigation is different so we approach it in ways that best suits our team and the clients needs.

What to look for?
If you are on a website looking at the teams evidence page or activities page and all you see is a bunch of graveyards or pay to play investigations then you may be looking at a group. This may be what your looking for, no pressure just fun.

If you see a website that has businesses or homes and that’s what you looking for?  If this is what you want? Then good, same amount of fun just a little more pressure to get to the truth.

If there is no info on their website that’s fine. Just contact them and then start asking questions.

For the Clients.
1. Have you done private home/business and how many have you done?
2. When was your last investigation? (In saturated areas like Chicago, New Orleans, New York, St Augustine. they may have months in-between cases. this should not be a problem its feast or famine sometimes)
3. How many years of experience? (This means nothing and everything. A crapshoot. I've met teams that were under a year and had their act together and I've met teams that were in their 12th year and were very disorganized and didn't know how to investigate without contamination of their data.)
4. What do you Charge. Most teams or groups don't charge and if they do. I wouldn't trust them.  Some investigators charge for gas that is ok if you can afford their cost.
5. Do you do any angry provoking? (It's up to you on what you think about this but I look at it this way You poke me while I'm sleeping and I get very angry. Remember they go home for the night you still have to live or work there.
6. Does your team have background checks for its members (I require this from my team and they pay the fee for the check around $20 for a decent one.)?
These are just a few questions to start with.

For People wanting to join a team.
1. How will you start me out?
2. Are there any dues? (If a team or group asks you for dues make sure its not outrageous of a price I've hear of some teams charging their members $20 a month. that’s nuts.  5 to 10 dollars is decent. Some teams only have dues maintain a website or to replace or repair or upgrade their equipment these dues are temporary sometimes)
3. I know this is controversial but find out their religious beliefs if they have any to see if you can live with that. I know if I was on a team full of satanic worshipers I couldn't.
4. Tell your potential teammates any allergies phobias or medical conditions.  I know it’s not a question but you would be surprised how many teams don't ask about that. It may just save your life.
5. Team meetings, how many, when, and are they mandatory?
These are a few to get you started.

I hope this helps, Happy Hunting.